Directed by Jumatatu Poe
Choreography and Performance by Jermone Donte Beacham and Jumatatu Poe
This project (possibly best described as a study) was first developed in a residency through Kultursekretariat’s Tanzrecherche program at Kulturforum Alte Post in Neuss, Germany. Jumatatu and Donte used J-Sette movement and performance structures as jumping-off points for experimentation with the role of strategy in dance making and social design. Major interests for these explorations included rhythm, pattern, and presence. In addition to research in the studios of the Alte Post, Jumatatu and Donte also used movement as a way to agitate social codes in gay bars and clubs in Köln. Work on this project will continue likely toward the development of a duet between the two, and an eventual larger evening-length work.